Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Out and about with the kids

As I'm sure you all know it's school holiday so I've taken the week off work to spend some time with the children. We have, so far, been lucky with the weather and have been out and about to lots of local places. Today I met up with Sheryl and took all the kids to Drusillas which is a zoo and play park that's just a few miles up the road. Seven hours and seven tons of picnic later we returned home exhausted but fun was had by all.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Face Mask Freaks!

No! It's not a freak show. Izzy decided we should have a girlie pamper time wih a frightening result. I thought the idea was to become beautiful...... It doesn't appear to have worked.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Max Got Wet Trousers!

Max got brave and got a bit too close to the water, eventually he paid the price and got wet trousers.

And then we headed off to the beach....

Nothing quite like a good stone throwing (bonding) session!

Max... A Morris Man?

Simon lends his (rediculous) hat to Max.

Black Faced morris Men at Pevfest!

Sam's friend Simon is a member of these morris men, we went along to see them..... It was......Interesting!

Pevfest! Are you serious a festival at Pevensey Bay?

Today Sam, Max and I went to Pevfest! Joe was at work as was Beth and Izzy was with DJ (DaddyJames). I am aware that the blog is somewhat Max heavy but I'll endeavour to change that over the next week or so.

Friday, 24 July 2009


Max heads off to a fancy dress party.

The pirate isn't bad but check out the height of the sunflower in the background!!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Beth Gets A Haircut

Today was the first day of the school holiday. Max, Izzy and I went to lunch with Sheryl, went to join a reading club at the library (which Beth is running as a volunteer) and had afternoon tea with friends.
Beth , before going to her Library job, had a rather lovely haircut!
I'm sure you'll all agree she looks beautiful!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Not Exactly Honest!

And although we spend a lot of time teaching the kids to be honest at all times, as adults we are allowed to bend the rules and I think I accidentallly (on purpose!) forgot to tell the Mummies it wasn't actually his birthday!

Piniata Fun!


Form an orderly queue to bash the life out of this with a stick! (formerely my mop!!)

Max's Day

Sorry the blogging has been slow to say the least! I have been keeping a regular eye on everyone's blogs.

Yesterday we held a NON Birthday Party for Max as he's born in the middle of winter and on the very day no one feels like a party, we promised him a summer party..... and he remembered!

It was a wild and windy affair, the gazebo nearly took off on a few occaisons but with a little DIY from Dad and some of Phil's sturdy tent pegs we held it down. The kids had a fantastic time and so did the grown ups!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Good To Know The Johnsons Still Have Talent!

We are, as Johnsons, multi talented and as well as eating prawns, Phil managed to create this rather lovely duplo man with a very big gun!
I quite like him.... What do you think?

Will You Still Need Me Will you Still Feed Me When I'm 64?

I'm not quite sure who this is but I fear we may be related in some way!!

Independence Day

Here's one for the American contingent (including my unborn neice or nephew)
Enjoy the celebrations, we'll have a drink for you later at Dad's 64th party.
Sure the posts will come thick and fast today.